Coming Full Circle. A Conversation with International Master of Kriya Yoga Meditation, Kambiz Naficy

LEVITATING MONKEY: Can you please share a bit about your personal journey and how you came to be interested in the spiritual path?

Kambiz Naficy: I was born into an aristocratic family in Iran, and everyone was groomed to become a high- dignitary like an ambassador, prime minister, industrialist, or top surgeon. My own nature was different; I was philosophical, a writer and powerful communicator, and poetic. I could see into the depths of people; and was always seeking answers to big questions of life. By the time I was sixteen, everyone around was focused on Harvard University, BMW’s, and marrying a girl from “the right family”. Like some teenagers, I abandoned my authentic self and eventually had my stint at a Harvard affiliate, Columbia University, and a lucrative life in Wall Street banking and later in private business.

Then one day, you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror, and feel trapped in a life that is a lie. On that Holy day, I realized that my only option was to be true to my Self; the one I had always been and will always be—how could I live otherwise? My “Homecoming” was a long journey though, as my “programmed self” had to give way to an authentic self.  Being from the Persian culture of Rumi and Hafez, I followed a spiritual path back to my Dharma, the path that was aligned with my heart and Soul.

LEVITATING MONKEY: What was the impetus for you to study at the Maharishi International University (MIU) in Iowa and what did you study while you were there?

Kambiz Naficy: I went there to take time off and make sense of my life. Back in the Nineties, there were only a few spiritual retreat centers in the U.S where one could live while bathing in daily spirituality. Maharishi International University (MIU) was the only Vedic center led by a centered Guru that combined accredited studies, with the wisdom of the Vedas, daily meditation, while living in the midst of ten thousand likeminded seekers. At MIU, I listened to all of Maharishi’s spiritual talks, delved into the Vedantic scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, Shiva Sutras, and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Soon I realized that Yoga was all about energy management, and that the God Force, Shiva, was described as an energy-field of Consciousness pulsing beyond the atom. There are so many references to the atom in the Vedas and that aroused my curiosity about the link between quantum physics and the science of Yoga. As such, I began researching quantum physics and realized that famous physicists like Neals Bohr, Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, and Fritjof Capra linked the subatomic energy of Consciousness to God.

LEVITATING MONKEY: How did the above experience and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Siddha initiation change your perspective on life?

Kambiz Naficy: I spent two years, seven hours a day in meditation; the Siddha initiation came on the last leg of that two-year episode and led to profound Grace in my life. After the second month that I moved to Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, my entire body began pulsing with blissful, tingling, warm energy—poetry began pouring out, much of it unsolicited and through quick insights. That energy has a “Presence” to it and through that Conscious Presence that Rumi calls The Friend, I felt safe and guided; I felt like I was sitting on the palm of a Big Hand. Though I had given up an income of $150,000 a year in exchange for fourteen Dollars a month doing volunteer work at MIU, the awakened Kundalini, the quieter mind, and my open heart reassured me that I was on the right path. Now I needed to visit Mother India to find the highest Masters for more complete guidance.

LEVITATING MONKEY: I read that after studying at MIU, you went to India and met with Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Karunimaya and Swami Hari Harananda. And that all three told you that they were your guides, but not your Guru and that your Guru is a little boy of 8 who had not lived in the body for centuries. Can you share more about this experience?

Kambiz Naficy: Yes, all three masters, after accepting into their private audience, described my boyhood Guru, a Sage that I had known since childhood. While I was a boy riding my bicycle through old Persian gardens, I always felt the Presence of a boy my own age. He was Soulful, centered, and with cutting wisdom. He became my invisible best friend to such a degree that my mother would set an extra plate for The Friend at our luncheon table. I felt His companionship right up to my late teens when I began drifting.

LEVITATING MONKEY: When Swami Hari Harananda appeared in your life, he initiated you in Babaji’s Kriya Yoga. Could you share with our readers the significance of that initiation and a bit more about Babaji and Kriya Yoga?

Kambiz Naficy: I had decided from the beginning that I was not going to be a spiritual window shopper; I adopted TM and respected Maharishi as my spiritual teacher. I was in a tea house somewhere having tea and reading The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Someone stepped up and said, if you are reading this book here, you ought to take a left up the next corner!

That led me to Swami Hariharananda who initiated me into Kriya Yoga. The first few breaths in his presence, sunk me to unimaginable depths, incomparable with those I had experienced through the mantra yoga of Transcendental Meditation. At that point, I had a crisis for the next three months. I had pledged my loyalty to one path and yet I could not tear my heart from the bliss of those few Kriya Yoga breaths. Eventually, my Inner-Guide whispered, If you want me, that’s all that matters; follow the fastest route.

The founder of Kriya Yoga is Kriya Babajii Nagaraj whose motto was breathlessness equals deathlessness. Kriya Yoga quickly quiets the brainwaves, leading to calm metabolism, and slower breathing for agelessness. Kriya Yoga is the breathing science of circulating Prana, the invisible Life Force behind all of creation in one’s energy channels. When we bring in prana with the breath, we then circulate it during Kriya Yoga practice, into seventy-two thousand energy centers called nadis. Kriya Yoga establishes a no-nonsense, direct connection with the Source of life, prana, that comes in through the breath. Immediate cleansing and Grace are results of Kriya Yoga breathing meditation.

LEVITATING MONKEY: Why are Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Quantum Physics important to someone on the path?

Kambiz Naficy: The scriptures of Yoga often refer to Samskaras which refer to self-limiting beliefs and emotions buried deep in one’s subconscious mind. Neuro-Linguistic Programming teaches us how the human brain works; and how to communicate with an otherwise inaccessible subconscious mind where all beliefs and habits lie. Through my sixty-day program called Coming Full Circle, during which I teach some NLP techniques, I train participants how to open their subconscious and uproot self-limiting beliefs—the results are always fantastic.

On another note, if we fail to grasp who and what “God” is, we can waste decades in an illusionary hall of mirrors! An understanding of spiritual quantum physics helps us understand who and what the God Force is—a pulsating field of Pure Consciousness beyond the atom, that mirrors our personal thoughts and beliefs back. We are all manifesting our personal beliefs back into our lives through principles of quantum physics and the mirror-like God Force. We are as we think—no room for victimhood!

LEVITATING MONKEY: How does one maintain an inner life or an inner gaze in a 3D world?

Kambiz Naficy: The external world is a powerful magnet with endless distractions that arouse our ego, mind, and senses. Our inner life first begins with faith, then through proper initiation and spiritual practice, we begin having direct experiences. Our faith strengthens through personal experiences of heart opening, living in the present moment, joy, bliss, and non-thought states transcending the monkey mind. 

With several direct experiences of The Friend, our Spiritual Self, we gain reassurance that an inner sanctuary exists and remains welcoming whenever we want to come back “home”. When we are reassured of that “homecoming” time and again, we realize that the gold mine lies within. The ego is smart, always looking for dividends. When the ego realizes that the rewards of a rich, reliable inner life are greater than external objects, even the ego cooperates with spiritual practice.

LEVITATING MONKEY: I have heard you say that “Aum” “Hamsah” and “Noor” are all words that have a very specific and positive vibration to them. Can you talk to us about the value of these holy sounds and why and how one should look to incorporate them in one’s daily meditation?

Kambiz Naficy: There is a branch of Yoga called Nada Yoga—the yoga of sound. The enlightened yogis experienced the God Force and all of creation as waves of vibration and pulsations of Consciousness called Spanda. According to Nada Yoga, the Creative Force exists in “The Word” and the Word is Aum, Hamsah, and Noor. Thus, Divine mantras vibrate and pulsate with a Creative Force which the Vedic scriptures call Matrika.

Those seekers who often and silently recite these three mantras, are circulating powerful, Divine vibrations of the Creative Force in their lives. I would even recommend playing such mantras at low volumes at a corner of your home, twenty-four by seven.

LEVITATING MONKEY: What are the benefits of formal initiation into the ancient science of Kriya Yoga?

Kambiz Naficy: Formal Kriya Yoga initiation, called Shaktipat, is the passing of the Guru’s consciousness and spiritual electricity into the seeker’s own. What the Master does is to awaken a dormant spiritual force within the body of the seeker, and from that moment on, the seeker’s life is filled with grace. Through Shaktipat, the seeker gains an instantaneous experience of Kriya Yoga breaths magnetizing and invigorating his or her body and mind. 

A powerful spiritual Guide is not really a personality, or outer appearance. Powerful spiritual masters embody the “Guru Principle” which is a high vibrating energy field that the Yoga Master transmits to the seeker through the process of initiation. Any powerful teacher has in turn inherited the Guru Principle from his or her teacher. In other words, one Master can create a hundred other Masters. Therefore, during initiation, a spiritual master passes on spiritual knowledge and electricity inherited from the previous generation of Masters.

LEVITATING MONKEY: If you could impart three key life lessons to others on their (spiritual) path, what would they be and why?

Kambiz Naficy: 1. Self-Love is the key to spiritual practice and personal progress. Back your spiritual journey with the sole intention of deep, unconditional self-love. This is very different from narcissism and conceit.

2. Momentum means take one step at a time and do not veer off the path. Momentum will build and you will have more and more personal experiences that in turn, lead to greater faith.

3. Faith in your Greater Self (Soul), in the knowledge of Yoga, and in a spiritual Guide that you trust.

LEVITATING MONKEY: For those interested in studying with you, can you share more about your courses and workshops, along with upcoming seminars?

Kambiz Naficy: My teachings are two-fold and interrelated:

  1. Kriya Yoga breathing meditation which awakens the Divine Kundalini energy in a safe way and triggers the process of inner transformation while lending Grace and protection. Kriya Yoga creates states of wellbeing, joy, high physical energy, and serenity. 

This ancient breathing technique also relaxes the brainwave activity from the busy Beta waves down to the quiet Alpha waves. With the quieting of brainwave activity, I help the practitioner open the otherwise inaccessible subconscious mind that controls eighty percent of our lives through conditioned habits and potentially self-limiting beliefs. Click here to access information regarding my Kriya Yoga meditation programs.

2. Coming Full Circle is a sixty-day self-transformation program for opening the subconscious mind through Kriya breathing. With calmer brainwave activity, we then identify self-limiting beliefs, and replace self-limiting negativity with empowering beliefs and that lead to big actions resulting in big outcomes. In this program, I introduce fourteen techniques for speaking the language of the subconscious in order to reprogram it. Click here for information on the Coming Full Circle course.

Other than the above, I hold online courses for easy and modern interpretation of ancient Vedic scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, Shiva Sutras, and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

Additional Resources:

Online April 2021 Program

Master Naficy’s Mantras

Master Naficy’s Book, Riding the Waves of Life

About Kambiz Naficy:

Kambiz Naficy is a meditation master and the founder of the international organization, Joy of Life ( (soon to be The mission of Joy of Life is to create joyful and stress-free living worldwide by raising human consciousness. Kambiz integrates the wisdom of ancient Kriya Yoga teachings with modern holistic sciences, such as quantum physics and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Through Kriya yoga practices, including energetic breathing and meditation, Kambiz promotes self-exploration and empowerment while helping people reach their full potential.

Follow Kambiz Naficy on Social Media: YouTube Channel, Instagram Page,

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