The Numerous Ayurvedic Benefits of Kiwi


Kiwifruit (commonly known as kiwi), or Chinese gooseberry, is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. These emerald green delights promote your health in different ways due to their high antioxidant content. Here are some amazing health benefits of eating kiwi.

It Improves Heart Health

Kiwi fruit benefits the cardiovascular system. Being a source of fiber, potassium, Omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamin K and E, kiwi can reduce the risk of cardiovascular, as well as coronary heart problems. This fruit balances blood pressure, cholesterol, as well as sugar.  

Has More Vitamin C than Oranges

Did you know that a kiwi contains more vitamin C than an orange? In fact, kiwi has nearly double the amount of vitamin C than an orange. This vital nutrient helps in immunity maintenance, tissue repair, growth and development, iron absorption, fighting free radicals, and protection from disease.  

It Aids Digestion with its Rich Fiber Content

Kiwis have been found to be great for digestion. With an enzyme called actinidain, which breaks down proteins into amino acids – kiwis help the body digest proteins much more easily. Studies have shown that it’s quite beneficial for those with constipation and digestive disorders like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Being rich in fiber and antioxidants, kiwis help you maintain a well-functioning digestive system.

It Creates Alkaline Balance

Kiwi is in the “most alkaline” category for fruits, meaning it has a rich supply of minerals to replace the excess of acidic foods most of us consume. A few of the benefits of a properly acid/alkaline balanced body are: youthful skin, deeper sleep, abundant physical energy, fewer colds, less arthritis and reduced osteoporosis.

It Provides You with Many Vitamins and Minerals

With a host of nutrients, kiwis are a great addition to any diet. With vitamins A, B6, B12, E, K, copper, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, there are so many health benefits to this green fruit.  

It Improves the Quality of Your Skin

Being high in antioxidants like vitamin C and E, kiwi is great for protecting your skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also boosts the production of collagen in your body, which is great for your skin as well as your muscles and bones. Moreover, kiwi has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. To keep your skin supple and beautiful, try slicing a kiwi and applying it on your skin for ten to fifteen minutes everyday. (I’ve also blended it for easier application).

Helps You Sleep Better

Kiwi is a good source of serotonin, which is important for a good night’s sleep. Serotonin brings your stress levels down and mood up. If you’ve been feeling low and finding it hard to sleep, eat some kiwi a couple of hours before hitting the pillow everyday. You should begin to notice a  difference soon.

Reduces Cholesterol

Kiwi contains pectin, which has been shown to lower cholesterol. Kiwi’s high level of potassium helps keep our electrolytes in balance by counteracting the effects of sodium.

Go ahead, get your kiwi on!

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