One Year Countdown to Beijing Olympic Games The Chinese capital of Beijing is adopting eco-friendly technologies in transportation, power supply, water and waste management to ensure a "green" Olympic Games, according to the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. Beijing plans to use 100 hybrid-electric vehicles...


Now you can easily do your part to help cut America's dependence on fossil fuels, including foreign oil by choosing the type of power you purchase. In NY this can be achieved by selecting GREEN Power and WIND Power from ConEdison Solutions.
  • GREEN Power is composed of 65% run-of-the-river hydro and 35% wind power(generated from regional wind and low-impact hydropower sources).
  • WIND Power is composed of electricity exclusively generated from 100% wind power.

  A Chinese farmer has made his own solar-powered water heater out of beer bottles and hosepipes. Sunlight heats the water as it passes slowly through the bottles before flowing into the bathroom as hot water, reports China Economy Network. "I invented this for my mother. I...

Every time we fly, drive, or turn on a light switch, we generate carbon dioxide the carbon emissions that cause global warming. But each of us can undo some of that damage by investing in carbon offset (the funds usually benefit renewable energy projects...